Found 14 results

Enforce SSL on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Enabling SSL on AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Classic Elastic Load Balancer is not that easy, it might seem impossible when for example we have to use a standard PHP Environment for our application deployment. Unfortunately Amazon AWS does not provide any option or additional tools to achieve this when using Classic Elastic Load Balancer and we will end up using being HTTP or HTTPS. There is no way to set up a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS being on Classic EB or ELB. No matter how unrealistic this it may sound taking into account that nothing publicly exposed should respond […]

Category: AWS | Published: 11/04/2019 | Updated: 23/04/2019

NGiNX SSL Setup and 301 Redirects

NGiNX SSL setup and 301 redirects, this is how is called our next tutorial where we will explain in just a few easy steps how to setup a SSL certificate on NGiNX and also how to force client browser to use HTTPS by managing all necessary 301 redirects served from HTTP protocol on port 80 to HTTPS protocol on port 443. The journey from a non-secured domain to a secured one is quite easy to implement with NGiNX and also very easy to maintain and renew in the future. This solution was tested using a CentOS 7 server but it […]

Category: General | Published: 06/04/2019 | Updated: 02/06/2019

How to install Elasticsearch 2.4 and OpenResty on CentOS 7

In this tutorial we’ll explain how to install and configure a three node Elasticsearch 2.4 cluster on CentOS 7. Also, we’ll learn how to install OpenResty that will provide a layer of security for our Elasticsearch cluster, Elasticsearch-HQ that will give us some nice metrics, Kopf plugin and of course Kibana. Why ES 2.4? Well it’s complicated but lets say we’ve choose 2.4 just because this particular version isn’t supported anymore by Elastic and some of you may be “forced” to use this version for a while until you redesign your software to comply with a newer version in terms […]

Category: Security | Published: 18/04/2018 | Updated: 05/11/2018

Create CoreOS Container Linux Ignition File

With all recent changes within CoreOS’s Container Linux distribution one of the most notable change is related to the Ignition file, basically this file handles the configuration for any Container Linux installation and we can say that it is pretty powerful. The concept behind this is somehow simple but as we have already said, quite powerful, allowing the users to configure the operating system right from the start with all basic and advanced settings needed. In this short tutorial we will cover the basics of how to create a simple .yaml CoreOS Container Linux ignition config file and how to […]

Category: General | Published: 10/01/2020 | Updated: 10/01/2020

Setup a Private Docker Registry

Setting up a private Docker registry locally for our organisation or maybe for personal use can be seen as a must if we don’t want to expose publicly our custom Docker images. It is true that we can easily get a private repository if we would go for a paid subscription to one of the providers available out there on the market that are offering such services, but why doing so when we can simply do it by ourselves, internally, completely isolated and being under our control. Having a private Docker repository / registry will give us the ability to […]

Category: Docker | Published: 20/12/2019 | Updated: 31/12/2019

NGiNX Traffic Split

NGiNX traffic split or traffic distribution can be very handy in various user cases, for example this can be used to improve security for our websites or web applications. In this particular tutorial we will show you how to make use of this great feature that comes with NGiNX by implementing a simple solution for traffic distribution in order to protect our backend web applications or maybe a websites by simply using two individual backend upstreams. Same traffic management principle using NGiNX, explained below, can be used for various other backend services and solutions within various stacks. Table of contents […]

Category: Security | Published: 03/07/2019 | Updated: 12/08/2019